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简介1.高考英语13个语法考点2.高考英语语法填空必背知识3.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-快速阅读的技能和技巧4.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-谈谈英语中的倒装5.高考英语作文好的词组,好的句子(语法的,从句)《高中英语语法-短文改错中的“画蛇添足”》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 短文改错中的?画蛇添足? 高考












1. I'll spend all the whole weekend reading and preparing for it. (NMET2000)

2. When I returned back , I found he was not in.

3. It's a very good company and how I enjoy working here very much .

4. How are you getting well with the work?

5. One man was so brave enough to put a big snake around his neck.

常见语意重复的现象有: think over ( 仔细考虑 ) (carefully), walk (on foot), advance (forward), renew (again), master ( 精通 ) (well), improve (better), raise (up), be about to do (at once), repeat (again), sink ( 下沉 ) (down), another ( 有,再 ) (more), leave (away), gather/collect (together), unite /combine ( 联合,团结 ) (together), meet ( 会合 ) (together), (still) remain, (more) perfect, repay (back), maybe (may), alone ( 独自 ) (by oneself), about/around/round ( 大约 ) (or so), etc. 括号里的单词都与它前(后)面的词重复,应去掉。


1 .受汉语的影响在一些及物动词后面添加多余的介词。下面各句中画线部分属于这种情况。

We must serve for the people heart and soul.

John married with Alice last year.

salute to ( 向致敬 ), greet to ( 向问好 ), visit to ( 访问,参观 ), enter into ( 进入 ), advertise for ( 为作广告 ), discuss about ( 讨论有关的情况 ), fight against ( 与作斗争 ), flee from ( 逃离 ), fit for ( 合适,适合 ) 等结构中介词都是多余的。

2 .时间名词前面有 this, that, last, next, every, each, one, some, all, any 以及 yesterday, today, tomorrow 时,前面无须用介词 in, on, at . time 表示?次数?时,前面也不用介词。

In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year. (NMET1996)

I won't be able to come in this time. (NMET2000)

We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV. (NMET1998)

3 .副词前一般不用介词( from 除外),容易出错的副词有: upstairs, downstairs, there, home, abroad 和用作副词的方位词(如: south, north, east, west, etc. )以及以 -ward 结尾的副词(如: southward, northward, eastward, forward, backward, etc. )。

He is going to go to abroad to settle.

He didn't know there she had gone to .

Jose played his guitar and sang in wherever he could.

The house faces to south.


1. The film is worth seeing it . (see 的宾语是 the film ,因此不需要再加 it . )

2. The box is too heavy for me to carry it . (carry 的宾语是 the box ,因此不需再加 it . )

I have read the novel twice which you are talking about it . ( 如果关系代词 which, that, who(m) ,在从句中充当宾语,动词后不需再加 it . )

四。动词不定式符号 to 的多余。

?, the librarian will write to you, and let you to know when the book you want has been returned. (NMET1994)

?, all planned and written by grown-ups make children to want things that they don't really need. (2003 北京春招 )

He had nothing to do but to make a living by begging.

感官动词、使役动词后面的宾语补足语不用 to do 的形式,而是用动词原形; but 用作介词,若其前的句子中含有实义动词 do 时,作宾语的动词不定式不带 to; why not, had better, would rather, rather than 后接动词原形;不定式作表语时,如果主语部分含 do 的各种形式,那么作表语的不定式前不带 to; can not but, cannot help but 后接动词原形。



1. They believe that the spirit stays with the body for 3 days, so during which someone is ?always? with the dead person.

2. Though we still find it difficult to learn the language, but we've made up our minds to learn it well.

3. There are a lot of islands in China, and the largest of which is Taiwan.


1. advice, music, fun, information, luggage, weather, furniture 属于绝对的不可数名词,因此前面不用 a/an .

2. 下列情况名词前不用冠词:

(1)man/mankind( 人类 ), nature ( 自然,自然界 ), word ( 消息,音信 ), room ( 空间 ), space ( 空间,太空 )

(2)as 引导让步状语从句时。

(3) 表示独一无二的官衔、职务作表语、同位语、补足语时。

(4)turn, go 后作表语的名词。

(5) 不带有修饰性词语的一日三餐的名词前。

( 错 )He has turned a doctor.

( 正 )He has turned doctor.

( 错 )A child as he is, he knows a lot about English.

( 正 )Child as he is, he knows a lot about English.

以上是笔者根据近年来高考试题和各地联考试卷中总结出的有关多词的几种常见现象。考生在学习和复习的过程中,要处处留心,注意知识的积累,更重要的是要加强基础知识的训练,准确把握词意、词的搭配及习惯用法,做题时才能得心应手。 《高中英语语法-短文改错中的“画蛇添足”》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com


1、haveing been criticized by teacher不是一个从句,是现在分词短语作状语,在这题当中表示原因:(因为)我被老师批评了,我戒烟了。而且having been表示动作发生在主句动作之前,即:被老师批评是发生在我戒烟之前,也就是被老师批评之后我戒烟了


3、all在这里是形容词,意为“所有的”,作的是 this trouble的定语,修饰 this trouble

4、To own a PC in families是这个句子的主语,which we thought was impossible twenty years ago是非限定性定语从句,修饰前面的To own a PC in families,因为这是从句所以这部分可拿掉不看,即这个句子的主体结构是:To own a PC in families now becomes true.,很显然能看出主语是不定式短语To own a PC,谓语是becomes,true是表语





I met her in the street yesterday.

I once saw the famous star here.

They never drank wine.

I thought the film would be interesting,but it isn’t.


③表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常由以下词语连接,用一般过去时。如:but, and, when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute。

The moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her.

He bought a watch but lost it.


Why didn’t you / I think of that?

I didn’t notice it.

I forgot to tell you I had been there with my brother before.

I didn’t recognize him.



可数:number/many/dozen/a great number 不可数:a great deal/amount/much 都可以:plenty of/lot/quantity/mass

2.可以修饰形容词比较级:far/even/any/much/rather/a bit/a lot

3.lie躺-lay-lain-lying 撒谎-lied-lied-lying


4.can表示能力,be able to表示经过努力,有时态变化


6.on account of因为,由于;account for说明原因解释

7.accuse sb of指控某人,sue指控

8.add to增加扩大,add up加起来,add up to总共总计




英语高考的时候,不管是单词、 短语 、句型还是语法,都会被考察到,所以考生们一定要全面复习好这些知识。下面是我整理分享的高考英语语法填空必背知识,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望对你们有帮助!



1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播

2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑

3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止

4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅

5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰

6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung)

7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain)

8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求

9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖

10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌

11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉

12. spread (spread, spread) 传播

13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳

14. tear (tore, torn) 撕碎

15. weave (wove, woven) 编织





1. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认

2. permit (permitted, permitting)允许

3. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔

4. forget (forgotten, forgetting ) 忘记 unforgettable

5. control (controlled, controlling) 控制

6. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现

7. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿

8. refer (referred, referring) 提到

9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备

注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 另外注意:destroy (destroyed) employ (employed)

shyer; shyest


1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二

5. twentieth第二十


1. long—length 长度— lengthen加长

2. wide—width 宽度—widen

3. high—height 高度—heighten

4. strong—strength力量 —strengthen


6. short—shortness—shorten




1. picnic (picnicked, picnicking) 野餐

2.panic (panicked, panicked) a./ v.惊慌,恐慌,惶恐不安


1. German (Germans) 德国人

2. gulf (gulfs) 海湾

3. handkerchief (handkerchiefs) 手帕

4. hero (英雄),potato (土豆),tomato (西红柿) 等有生命的以-o结尾的名词变复数时要加-es。

5. roof (roofs) 房顶

6. stomach 胃 (其复数是stomachs而不是加es)


1. headphones (耳机), trousers (裤子),sunglasses (太阳镜), scissors (剪刀), compasses (圆规)

2. noodles, vegetables, snacks小吃, 快餐,

3. make friends with 与...交朋友,in high/low spirits (情绪高涨/低落), have sports (进行体育活动)。

4. congratulations (祝贺)。

5. celebrations (庆祝),


1. succeed—success成功

2. pronounce—pronunciation 发音

3. explain—explanation解释

4. decide—decision 决定

5. enter—entrance进入

6. permit—permission 允许

7. refuse—refusal 拒绝

8. consider—consideration 考虑

9. discover—discovery 发现

10. bury—burial 埋葬

11. conclude—conclusion 得出结论

12. arrive—arrival 到达

13. weigh—weight 重量



possible—possibly 可能的 argue—argument judge—judgment

value—valuable courage—courageous

高考英语语法填空必背知识相关 文章 :

★ 高考英语语法填空进行时态知识点与必记的单词

★ 高考英语语法填空考点总结

★ 英语高考语法填空《英语语法手册》知识点

★ 高考英语语法填空一般时态知识点与训练题

★ 高考英语语法填空动词知识点与语法填空题与答案

★ 高考英语语法填空副词知识点与练习题

★ 高考英语语法填空解题策略

★ 英语高考语法填空规律总结与练习题

★ 高考英语语法填空技巧整理

★ 高考英语语法填空比较级知识点与强化训练题







跨越生词障碍可以通过猜测词义来解决。猜测词义的方法有很多,比如根据语境、定义标记词(means,refer to,?)、重复标记词(in other words,thatis to say,?)、列举标记词(for example,such as,?) 以及同位语、同义词、反义词或常识等。

例1:A middle-aged professor said that matter how much he gave her for the household expenses,she always ranshort.


例2:Prometheus stayed chained to the rock for many years.Then atlast the mighty Hercules came forth and broke the bonds.

在这段话中有前面的stayed chained作提示,还有我们熟知的希腊神话里的?被缚的普罗米修斯?以及大力神赫格拉斯解放普罗米修斯的故事,使我们很容易想到,bonds这个词一定是?锁链?。

例3:The tiny droplets that form on to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.


Some people to kill pain,in other words,it can help the patients'muscles relax during opera tion.


除了上述方法外还可根据构词法猜测词义。例如:child-childless(无子女的,-less表示?无), Marx-Marxism(马克思主义,-ism表示主义),large-enlarge(扩大,en-表示?使),tell-foret ell(预告,fore- 表示?前?),Australian+satellite?Aussate(澳星),state+run?state-run (国有的)等等。


A German told me that all over China will give you higher blood pressure.






(2)Can you read/phrase by phrase?(目光停2次)





Four weeks ago/I was late for work.

/I left my house/five minutes later than usual,/and I saw /my bus coming/toward the bus stop.

/I beganto run,/but I was too slow.

/I waited ten minutes/for another bus,/andIwas gasping for air/when it arrived.




以Watching Ants(详见统编教材高中英语第一册第14课)为例。文章一开始便开门见山?揭开石头便会发现一个蚁城?,使人立刻会想到这是一篇介绍蚂蚁习性的文章。紧接着那一段第一句便点明这段主旨:Whil e ants grow,theychange their form three times.(Topic sentence)下面各段分别介绍蚁后(the queen)、蚂蚁采食(how to milk bugs)、蚁城饮食情况(how the wholecity is fed)以及相互交谈方式(taptal king)等,这便是这篇文章的 轮廓。 《高中英语语法-快速阅读的技能和技巧》由英语我整理,更多请访问: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">高考英语作文好的词组,好的句子(语法的,从句)






1. 陈述句变为疑问句时,主语和谓语要部分倒装。例如:

They are talking about the new film. ? Are they talking about the new film?

They are talking about the new film. ? What are they doing?

2. ? only + 状语 / 状语从句?位于句首时,句子的主语或主句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。例如:

Only yesterday afternoon did I finish my experiment.

Only in this way can you catch up with your classmates.

Only when you get to the top of the mountain can you see the tower.

3. 表示否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时,主语和谓语要部分倒装。例如:

Never shall I do the same thing again.

Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.

Hardly had we finished our dinner when the electricity was cut off.

4. 在含有 had , were , should 的虚拟条件句中,可以省略 if ,将 had , were , should 放在主语之前,构成部分倒装。例如:

Had you come here, you would have met the film star.

Were I you, I would take the money.

Should any one come to set me free, I would make him very rich.

5. 在 so ? that ?句式中,如果 so 引导的部分前置,主句中的主语和谓语需用部分倒装。例如:

So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself.

6. 当 so, neither, nor 位于句首时,可将其后与上面重复的谓语的一部分置于主语之前,构成部分倒装。例如:

? He has been to Beijing.

? So have I.

? Liu Jia can?t answer the question.

? Neither/Nor can Lai Fan.


1 ) so 位于句首时,具备三个条件才可以将主语和谓语部分倒装:① so 表示?也?的意思;②上句是简单句的肯定句;③上句的主语和 so 引导的句子主语不同。如果 so 所在的分句的主语与上句的主语相同,这时 so 的意思是?的确?, so 分句中的主、谓语无须倒装。例如:

? Jenny has decided to turn in the wallet.

? So she has.

2 )上面的句子有两个或两个以上的分句,而且这些分句中的谓语动词又不属于同一类型,但它们所陈述的情况也适合另一个人或物时,常用的结构为: So it is/was with ? 例如:

? Li Juan is a pretty girl and she studies in No.1 Middle School of Enshi.

? So it is with Meng Lu.



1. away , down , up , in , out 等副词位于句首且主语为名词时,可将 come , go 等表示位置转移的动词放在主语之前;但主语为代词时,主语和谓语不倒装。例如:

The door opened and in came the teacher.

Down he sat by the table.

2. here 和 there 位于句首,且主语为名词时,可将主语和谓语全部倒装。例如:

Here is your rice.

There goes the bell.

3. 当句首的表语或状语是表示地点的介词短语时,句子中的主语和谓语要全部倒装。例如:

On the front wall is a blackboard. On the back wall hangs a map of China.

4. 有时为了使上下文紧密衔接,也要用完全倒装。例如:

They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.

5. 直接引语前置,引导语中的主语是名词时,主语、谓语通常要完全倒装。例如:

? Something is wrong with the machine, ? said Xiao Dan.


1. Look, ___________.

A. here the bus comes B. here is the bus coming

C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming

2. Out ___________, with a stick in his hand.

A. did Mike rush B. rushed Mike

C. Mike rushed D. Mike did rush

3. ___________, you can?t lift yourself up.

A. Even you?re strong B. In spite you?re strong

C. How strong you are D. Strong as you are

4. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ___________ them well.

A. you can learn B. can you learn

C. you learned D. did you learn

5. Never before ___________ seen such a wonderful film.

A. am I B. was I C. have I D. shall I

6. Not only ___________ to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to telephone his friends.

A. he was forcing B. he was forced

C. was he forcing D. was he forced

7. No sooner ___________ asleep than she heard a knock at the door.

A. she had fallen B. had she fallen

C. she had fell D. had she fell

8. Hardly ___________ down ___________ he stepped in.

A. had I sat; when B. I had sat; when

C. had I sat; when D. had I sat; than

9. ? She has passed the exam.

? ___________.

A. So am I B. So have I

C. So I have D. So I am

10. ? He didn?t meet Mr Smith.

? ___________.

A. Neither did she B. Nor didn?t she

C. Neither she did D. So didn?t she

Key :

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C

6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A

湖北?杨顺学 《高中英语语法-谈谈英语中的倒装》由liuxue86.com我整理

一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc)

~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc)

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.


Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.


二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.


三、 ~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.


例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...)

例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...)

例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.


六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...)

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的优点是...)

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won‘t create (produce) any pollution.


八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...)

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.


九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此...以致于...)

例句:So precious is time that we can‘t afford to waste it.


十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然...)

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.

{by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}


十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~

The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V


例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.


The more books we read, the more learned we become.


十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着...,..能够..)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


十三、 ~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (..使..能够..)

例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能...)

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.

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